How to Calculate Your Entry GPA for Nursing — CNM

GPA Calculation

  1. Multiply the number of credits for each class by the numeric grade
    • A = 4.0
    • B = 3.0
    • C or CR (credit) = 2.0
  2. Add the totals.
  3. Divide the sum by the total credits.


Calculate the GPA for an “A” in Psych 1105 and a “B” in English 1101.

  1. PSY 1105 (4.0 x 3 credits) + ENG 1101 (3.0 x 3 credits) = 21
  2. Divide 21 by the 6 total credits (21 / 6) = 3.5 GPA

CR/NC Grades

Courses taken as “CR/NC” and passed with a grade of “CR” will be calculated as a C in the application GPA.

It is to your advantage to take courses for a letter grade. 

* If you have CLEP or AP exam credit for any of the prerequisite courses, you will have “met” the requirement. The course(s) will not be included in your GPA calculation.

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