How to search your favorite site directly from Chrome’s address bar in two keystrokes

Whether you work on a website like I do or you just have a favorite site you rely on for information, you probably find yourself wanting to search that domain. Many sites have their own search engines, but they generally aren’t as good as just using Google to query that site, and they can’t be triggered from your browser’s address bar.

If you want to search a site from your browser’s address bar, you can simply add “site:[SITENAME]” to the end of your query, but that’s a fair amount of typing. For example, if I want to find the best CPUs page on Tom’s Hardware from my address bar, I have to type “best cpus” and hit Enter. The is an extra 21 keystrokes I must make for every single query. And, if I want to tell Google not to include results from our forums subdomain, I have to tack on “” to the query. That’s a total of 51 keystrokes added to my query!

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