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How to stop spam sign ups to my email marketing?

My store uses Omnisend for my email newsletter marketing and the email signup is featured twice in my store once as a pop-up and once towards the bottom of the homepage.

I’ve had no issues for two years until recently when all of a sudden I am getting huge amounts of spam bot type signups, consisting of various email addresses with names that do not make any sense, just random letters and numbers.  I have two step authentication turned on meaning that most of these don’t result in a full signup as they don’t click the accept button generated in the first email automated they will receive  presumably because it is deemed spam as the person hasn’t signed up themselves and their email is being used by another source. However I’m getting huge amounts of emails in my inbox saying various things like out of office on annual leave etc and I’m extremely conscious that my domain email address linked to all of this will be penalised by Google as spammy.


I’ve reached out to Omnisend who couldn’t really help just saying, make sure the two-step authentication is switched on. I’m also noticing a great increase in traffic on my website but upon investigation I believe this is also a bot because it’s repeated locations constantly daily.


is there any way I can sort this out hoping someone can help here please.

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