I’m working on project React.js based.

I’m not a expert on Rect.js. They gave me a job to modify a open-source project made of React.js

So, I see the way of writting css is by javascript api instead raw .css. At least on this project all is written by Javascript “useStyles” module.

All I want is to run a .css file inside assets dir, so that It will run after the rendering of every page change.

I tried simply importing it on root file “App.js”; it works somwhow, but got bugs when changing page thoughtout React.js router functions or Link tag. In other hand, they work after reloading page.

Where and how to call my file.css?

I tried simply importing it on root file “App.js”; it works somwhow, but got bugs when changing page thoughtout React.js router functions or tag. In other hand, they work after reloading page.

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