python – How to use ESPN api to pull player game log stats

I created a website for a past class that is based on fanasty football. It uses html and is very basic. It simply lists out 5 players for each position and their stats for each game in a table. Example, Josh Allen, week 1, 2 touchdowns, 300 yards passing, etc. All of the data is manually entered and I have only entered up to 5 weeks worth of data. I was wondering how to implement espns api to help gather this data.

I was thinking about creating a database that stores the data for each player so that the site can pull from the database. I am curious if there is a way to use the api to put the data into the database, or if it would just be better to disregard the databse and focus solely on the api to push data into the site when ran. I am running this solely based inside Visual Studio Code.

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