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Dialogflow CX – data store – how to filter data fo…

Hi, I have created a chat app in Agent Builder, and I have successfully integrated it with slack and a web front end, I’ve been able to set session variables for my authenticated users and I have used those parameters in my flows.

I want to query a data store for data that is specific to a user. I can query data if I just dump it into an unstructured data store, but its not specific to a user. From reading the docs I can see how data store filters work , so I created an unstructured (with meta data) store that uses structData and passes a uri to an html document with the user’s private data. When I use this data store it seems that that unstructured document is never searched.

If I output “$request.knowledge.answers” it shows me the document I care about, but it didn’t search inside it, it returns the metadata and a link to that document. Am I misunderstanding that the unstructured (with meta data) JSONL files are the correct way to create a data store and filter for private data or is their another mechanism to filter using a unstructured store? Even if I have no filter I am still just getting information about my unstructured document, it doesn’t seem to be searched.

Some of the data I want to search for is actually structured, should I just be fetching this with a webhook and then using a generator on the results instead of trying to use a data store? The data store docs have only very basic examples.

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