Solutons Lounge

How to achieve more regardless of how much you have previously achieved.

#loveletter 073 #flight013

My Love Letter to you today gladens my heart.

The others I have written to you have been great, but this is one love letter from me that I am certain you won’t finish reading as the same person.

Read it till the end with rapt attention.

I want to show you something I recently discovered.

But before I show you, let me give you an update.

Some weeks ago, I traveled to another state in my country for a speaking engagement.

I spoke on the same stage with legends of industries such as Kanayo O Kanayo, Dr. Sunmi Francis, Dr Stephen Akintayo, Ali Baba, Chioma Ifeanyi-Eze, Emeka Nobis (the don), Dr Jamie Pajoel.

Some of them were already legends before I was born 🤣🤣

As much as I would love to tell you everything about the experience, I somewhat feel I might be repeating some things you already know since I have already posted about the experience on my LinkedIn and Instagram.

Here are some pictures after reading the letter, you can catch up on the gist with my previous posts on instagram and Linkedin.

Straight to the main gist of today

I was reading a book this week and a line popped up.

It was like a lightbulb moment for me.

“If you want greater success, help others achieve more!”

Now there’s so much truth in this statement, but….

When I picked this particular book to read after seeing the title, this was not what I was expecting to hear. 

I was expecting the author to say stuff like, “ If you want greater success, wake up earlier than your competitors, work harder and smarter than anyone else in your field, show up when everyone else isn’t, etc

All the regular things that some of us already know but don’t practice.🌝

Instead, what I was seeing in front of me was different 

“If you want greater success, help others achieve more!”

The author then ended the statement by saying…

“And when you study and master the science of achievement, you will find the success you desire”

Still lost in thoughts, I asked myself, could this be the thing holding me and many others back from “The Kind of success we desire”?

You see, I am very passionate about people in career and business, and any opportunity I get to reveal to them what will help them, I take advantage of it ruggedly!

You should know this already…and this is what I want to do with this letter

The First Thing I Want You to Know is This!👇

Most of you have been too “self-centered” regarding your career, business, and the instructions you have received for your life.

Whether they are instructions from God or yourself.

Because if it is really “greater success” you desire, just as the quote above says, your major focus should currently be on helping others achieve more.

Let’s do something together

I want you to take a moment to remember some of your major activities in your typical day and some of the major goals you set for yourself.

What has been YOUR MAJOR reason for doing them?

Has it solely been to help yourself become a certain way? richer? famous? more comfortable?

or to actually help people and solve the problems of those you were sent to, such that those other things simply become rewards.

Let me show you how this Science of Achievement thing works

If your reason is actually “to help people and solve their problem” and “you are really interested in helping them”, it does four things

  1. It kills your ego and allows you to show up to market the solution whether the initial periods are hard or not.
  2. The way you communicate the solution from a place of desire to help, makes them Like, trust, and respect you. 
  3. This makes them prefer you over others in your sector. So they will prefer buying from you (income growth)
  4. As you do all you can to actually “Help” them solve their problem, they feel indebted to you, and so they recommend you to everyone they know (influence and impact grows)
  5. Due to the fact that you were never doing this for the “money” or “increased influence” none of those results get in your head or make you compromise your service to them so you keep putting in the work to improve and give them the best version of yourself and solution (relevance grows).

And in a twinkle of an eye, you are above competition. Even without stressing, you are achieving way much more. Now you see that, as someone who genuinely cares about people, you have gained all the things others who only care about money or influence might struggle to get.

That’s simply how it works.

This is a letter you might have to re-read before it sinks.

As i’ll usually say, and as I rightly wrote in my book “Morning Star, The Light Bulb shines not for the benefit of the light bulb itself but for those who NEED the light bulb to see clearer, find lost things etc.

As a light, don’t prioritise your fears or ego over those who NEED to hear you or come in contact with your solution.

One major secret I have is this: I was on LinkedIn for a long time without being known. However, it was when I started helping people achieve their own results (not my own results), that I noticed major quantum leaps. 

Today I am celebrating over 98,000+ people from various countries of the world connected to me…Glory to God

I have directly 4000+ people in 28 countries of the world, without running any ads on Linkedin.

I give all the glory to God 


  • There are still days I don’t feel confident enough to show up…
  • My vibe isn’t always on check to host my monthly 20 days Linkedin growth program…
  • I am not always motivated to post things here that you will learn from….

However, I always remembered that it had never been just about me

“Creation” is not waiting for your manifestation because it wants you to blow or to be rich and famous. No, it’s simply because there are institutions, people, homes, nations that need your help to fix problems that keep them up at night.

I’ll repeat “If you want greater success, help others achieve more!”

This letter is not for everyone or every part of your life. It speaks to something in particular that you need to start focusing on. 

When you study and master the science of achievement, you will find the success you desire.

My Updates;

This Tuesday, I said yes to the 200+ people from 23 countries of the world who joined Cohort 19 of My 20 day Linkedin growth program.

🌎This time, we have participants from the United States, Zambia, United Kingdom, Cameroon, China, Ghana, UAE, Philippines, Jamaica, Canada, Kenya, Kingdom of Eswatini, South Africa, Nigeria, Netherlands, Finland, Benin Republic, Zambia, Austria, Germany, Hungary, Cyprus and Saudi Arabia.

📍If you missed this opportunity don’t miss the next one, join the next cohort with this link📌This program is for you if you want to use Linkedin to grow your income, influence or impact.

Two days in, see some of their testimonies

If you want to stand out from your competitors and be the most preferred person in your sector on LinkedIn, join Cohort 20 here

📍If you missed this opportunity don’t miss the next one, join the next cohort with this link📌This program is for you if you want to use Linkedin to grow your income, influence, or impact.

In Cohort 20, we will be celebrating our 20th cohort anniversary 🎉🎉🎉 . It’s a Must-attend cohort.

Amongst others, I would specifically train you on creating offers on Linkedin (skills, products, and services) that people desire consistently- Just as I have done.👉 Don’t miss out.

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