How to Install Applications Automatically at Hostinger

You can easily install applications automatically with the help of our Auto Installer. This feature allows you to install any of the available CMS and applications, for example, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and many others 😊

Installing applications automatically is as easy as opening your hosting Dashboard by navigating to Websites → Manage. Search for Auto Installer on the left sidebar and click on it:

Accessing the Auto Installer dashboard

In Auto Installer, you can either select one of the most popular CMS or use the search box to look for a specific application:

Selecting the preferred CMS or application for a website

Fill in all the required details:

Providing the main details of a website and its owner while installing the preferred CMS
  • Website title – the name for your website

  • Administrator email – the email for the admin user

  • Administrator username – the admin username. It’s recommended to use a unique username

  • Administrator password – create a strong password for your admin account

Custom Settings

In case you want to specify a different subdirectory for your application installation (for example, domain.tld/blog), or use an existing database, expand the Advanced section and fill in the information:

Install an Application on a Subdomain

To install on a subdomain, expand the Advanced section. Next, click on the arrow and select the desired subdomain:

Once that’s done, click on Next to select the opions regarding your application’s core version. The options may vary depending on the selected application:

Installing the preferred CMS for a website
  • Application version – it’s recommended to choose the latest version

  • Language – the language of the administration interface

  • Update schedule – it’s recommended to update to minor version

Click on the Install button and after a few minutes, the installation will be completed. To check the result, clear the browser cache and visit your website.

To manage the installation, click on the â‹® button in the Auto Installer page to find the following options:

The management options of installed applications
  1. Access your Content Management System admin dashboard

  2. Check the details of your website – URL, database name, admin username, and email

  3. Delete the installed application

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