Pumpkin Seeds Benefits: How to add pumpkin seeds to your daily diet and its benefits |

The trend of eating seeds has surely helped meet our daily nutrients easily. They are versatile and can be incorporated in many ways into a regular diet. One such seed that can be enjoyed from breakfast to dinner is pumpkin seeds. Rich in antioxidants, fiber, healthy fats, magnesium, protein, and more, these seeds are no less than superfoods that are known for their benefits and culinary versatility.Take a look at their benefits and how one can add them to a regular diet.
Benefits of pumpkin seeds
Rich in magnesium
They are a rich source of magnesium that help maintain nerve and muscle function, and manage blood sugar too.
Contain healthy fats and fiber
Pumpkin seeds provide more fat than carbs and protein per one-ounce serving, or about one-quarter of a cup. As per studies, the fat in pumpkin seeds is mostly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat that help reduce bad cholesterol levels, which lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.

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Boost male fertility
It is said that regular consumption of pumpkin seeds help improve fertility in men. They are rich in zinc that help boost fertility issues including ejaculatory latency and sexual stimulation.
Also Read: Why snacking on pumpkin seeds is a healthy food habit
Reduce the risk of breast cancer
Phytoestrogens are natural compounds in some foods, including pumpkin seeds that help reduce breast cancer risk.
Boost bladder and prostate health
It is said that pumpkin seed extract can manage an overactive bladder and reduce frequent urination.

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Good for heart health
It is also said that pumpkin seed extract might reduce blood pressure and increase blood flow in postmenopausal women. Pumpkin seeds have plenty of antioxidants, healthy fats, and fiber, all of which are essential for heart health.
Rich in antioxidants
Pumpkin seeds contain antioxidants, including flavonoids and phenols.16 These antioxidants help fend off cell damage, which may protect against aging and disease.
Boost sleep cycle
Pumpkin seeds are a source of tryptophan, an amino acid, that helps the human body produce melatonin and serotonin, both of which are hormones that promote a good night’s sleep.
How to add pumpkin seeds to daily diet

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As per nutritionists, these seeds are crunchy and versatile and can be used in following ways.
One can add them to salads or as a garnish for cooked vegetables, hummus, slaw, soups, and stir-fries.
You may also add them to your morning shakes and juices for that extra crunch and nutrition.

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They can also be incorporated into baked goods, energy balls, pesto, and sauces.
One can also sprinkle pumpkin seeds onto avocado toast, fruit salad, oatmeal or overnight oats, and yogurt.
For those who love soups, these seeds can be blended into soups or can be used as a garnish for boosting your protein intake.

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