How to fix a faulty microbiome

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Scientists are still uncovering the myriad ways in which the gut microbiome affects human health. An out-of-kilter ecosystem of microbes can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But it has also been linked to obesity and conditions such as liver disease and Alzheimer’s. Understanding those connections opens up a new type of medicine. Is the era of microbiome treatments about to arrive?

Host: Gilead Amit, The Economist’s science correspondent. Contributors: Désirée Prossomariti and Simon Goldenberg of St Thomas’ Hospital in London; Glenn Gibson of the University of Reading; Debbie Shawcross of King’s College London; Matt Cheng, boss of Kanvas Biosciences; Natasha Loder, The Economist’s health editor. Runtime: 45 min

Listen on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify

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