How to run SNT v4.3.0 for auto-tracing with soma detection – Usage & Issues

I wish to try the new soma detection strategies for auto-tracing in SNT v4.3.0 on some astrocyte stacked images that I have. Specifically, I would like to collapse all branches in ROIs selected areas into a single root, instead of having auto-tracing interpreting soma surface as some branches. However, I am not too familiar with Java and I do not know how to start the graphical interface from the source code for SNT v4.3.0.

Could someone kindly help me with this?

(I was also trying the soma detection strategy in the current release of SNT, but it was not working for me. Sometimes it fails to detect I have ROIs, and give the warning that I don’t have any ROIs, even when ROI manager shows that I have. Sometimes it does not give that warning, but no soma location was labeled after auto-tracing.)

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