Hi there Robert Norden!

As you continue learning about JavaScript you will find that several things could help you here including a backend language. You might consider learning about React, which is a JavaScript library and fairly extensive at that. This allows you to break your site into “components” such as navigation, footer, etc. Then for each page you want you would include the navigation as a component. So, if you change the navigation component, then that will be echoed across your site for every page that has the navigation component included.

Just a thought! I’d suggest after delving more deeply into JavaScript and getting a good handle on that, you look at the possibilities of React.

Hope this helps! :sparkles:

edited for additional information

The reason you can’t find a consensus about this is that there are multiple ways to do it :smile: Based on the site you’re describing, you will likely be dealing with a backend language at some point whether it be JavaScript, PHP, Python, C# or any other. I want to take a moment and applaud your forward-thinking mindset because you’ve already thought about the impracticalities of manually adjusting HTML over a large site . If you continue down the path you’re on, those topics will be tackled! Keep it up!

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