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Learn How To Create A Cozy Kitchen Scene With Unreal Engine 5 & Maya


I learned so much through this project and improved my skill sets in a lot of areas from modeling, texturing, and broadening my Unreal Engine knowledge. I faced many challenges but I already knew from the start that I wanted this project to allow me to dive deeper into environment building in Unreal Engine. One of the biggest challenges was to figure out how to get a nice specular highlight and translucency on the glass since I know that is one of the areas where real-time rendering is still struggling. However, I’m very happy with the final result. 

My advice to fellow artists is to not be afraid to seek help from friends or just to get their fresh eyes to look at your project for feedback. It is always helpful to get another person’s perspective on a problem. Moreover, it is never too late to revisit an old project and make improvements to it. There are a lot of great online tutorials on YouTube and 80 Level that are extremely helpful for self-learning and I hope that the ones I introduced in this article could be helpful to some new artists out there. 

Thank you so much for reading the breakdown of my piece Cozy Kitchen. If you enjoy this artwork or have any questions regarding the process, feel free to reach out to me on ArtStation, LinkedIn, or email me. Have a great day and good luck with your 3D journey!

Tam Le, Environment & Texturing Artist

Interview conducted by Theodore McKenzie

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