How to make Multi user data entry by user capable App for free using Glide? – Ask for Help

Hi trying to make a fitness training app where users can enter in date of training by themselves and number of push ups, squats etc they did and save that info under training tab

Doing this using list and normal google sheet is possible but the problem arises when try to hide the user generated data for other users. I have looked at all the ways like row owner, protected column, Etc but unable to figure out how to make the entered data visible only to related logged in user. Also saw some people use columns that are user specific when I changed the columns to that in data structure the user when click add button of the list it no longer shows the field names it showed earlier. For example field names was date, program, squats etc which user would click add and enter data and it saves to google sheet but when put those columns to user specific the add form no longer shows fields to enter that data by user.

How to solve?

Row owners should do it. How did you try to apply it?

See made row id as row owner, also i just put back in the normal columns as well along with user specific ones

See this is what form looks like of the list when user clicks add new, if i keep only user specific then all these fields disappear;

problem being if i just put in normal columns other users can see this same data

RowID can’t be used to identify a user. It’s just a unique identifier for the row. It has nothing to do with the user that created the row. What you need is an email column. That email column can then be set as a row owner column because the user that signs in with that same email becomes to owner of that row.

To populate the email column automatically, you need to add a user profile component or special value component which will take the email of the signed in user and pass it through the form into your table.

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