How to attach a file upload to an existing (not new) thread? – API

Hello! The documentation is pretty clear about how to create a thread and attach a file at the same time:

However, I don’t see a way to update an existing thread by attaching a file. Here’s the API documentation for updating a thread:

I suppose one solution is:

  1. Create my own new Vector Store using, and give it an expiration time of 24 hours or so.
  2. Upload the file to the vector store
  3. Attach the vector store to my assistant, using something like:
    def attach_vector_store_to_assistant(self, assistant_id, vector_store_id):
            tool_resources={"file_search": {"vector_store_ids": [vector_store_id]}},

(but I’ll have to keep track of what vector stores are already attached so I don’t lose the previous associations, right?)

You can only attach one vector store to an assistant and one vector store to a thread.

You can add tool_resources to a thread, or modify the thread.

I’d just like to point out… that you’re totally correct!! Ha ha ha. I had to double check, and I hope you aren’t offended. I appreciate the information.

So… that’s interesting. I’m still wondering, then, how to attach a vector store to an existing thread. Or am I thinking about it wrong? Should I always create a vector store when creating a thread, then add files if the user uploads them? I’m essentially trying to allow users to drag-and-drop files into a chat interface and provide the assistant with the file for basic RAG capabilities, similar to how I can upload a file to ChatGPT or Claude and have it use the uploaded file.

I have an AI to answer such questions…

from openai import OpenAI

def modify_thread_with_vector_store(thread_id: str, vector_store_id: str) -> None:
    Modify an OpenAI thread to attach a vector store and update metadata.

        thread_id (str): The ID of the thread to modify.
        vector_store_id (str): The ID of the vector store to attach.

        None: Outputs the result of the API call.
    client = OpenAI()

    # Update the thread with new metadata and vector store ID
    response = client.beta.threads.update(
            "i_attached_a_vector_store": "true",
            "file_search": {
                "vector_store_ids": [vector_store_id]

# Example usage
thread_id = "thread_abc123"
vector_store_id = "vector_store_abc123"
modify_thread_with_vector_store(thread_id, vector_store_id)

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@_j , Jay, I really appreciate your response. I’ll give this a shot tomorrow, but it looks great at first glance. :man_bowing:

The problem with adding it to a thread is every time you create a new thread you have to attach all of the files again… but adding the new files to a vector store is giving an error of Bad Request System.Net.Http.StreamContent

  var vectorFile_Object = new{vector_store_id = vectorStorageID,file_id = _file_id};
  HttpClient _httpClient_Vector = new HttpClient();
  _httpClient_Vector.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", "xxxx-xxxx");
  _httpClient_Vector.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("OpenAI-Beta", "assistants=v2");
  var content_vectorFile = new StringContent(JsonSerializer.Serialize(vectorFile_Object), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
  var response_vectorFile = await _httpClient_Vector.PostAsync($"{vectorStorageID}/files", content_vectorFile);

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