How to Setup TDBGrid to Work with SQLite In Delphi

This is my first attempt at using Delphi along with SQLite to develop an application and I’m running to a problem. I have read what documentation I can find on using SQLite with Delphi, and even watched some videos on the subject but its not helping.

The application needs to use multiple tables from a single database (none of the tables are related to another). I have used a group box with a TDBGrid to display the database table fields and TDBNavigator control. The database connection was created using the Data Explorer to create the connection to the SQLite database and dragged onto the main application form. I also dragged the table onto the form creating an TFDQuery. The data source TDataSource was created as DataSource1 and assigned to grid and navigator DataSource fields using the Object Inspector. Each column of the grid using object inspector assigned FieldName to one of the table fields and the Title.Caption filled in appropriately.

In theory, this should display the table contents but does not, and the navigator is grayed out. The following screenshots show what is going on as there hasn’t been any code written, its all been done via the Data Explorer and Object Inspector.

Here is the grid and navigator on the form:
enter image description here

Here are the database connection, table and data sources:
enter image description here

Here is the DataSource1 setup:

enter image description here

Here are the grid and navigator setups:

enter image description here
enter image description here

I’m sure there is something I missed, but I’m not sure what. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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