Unique Entity ID is Here

The Unique Entity ID is here! Here’s What You Need to Know

The Unique Entity ID from SAM.gov is now the authoritative identifier for those doing business with the federal government.  The DUNS Number is no longer valid for federal award identification.

All of the Integrated Award Environment (IAE) systems—SAM.gov, eSRS, FSRS, FPDS, and CPARS—as well as all other GSA systems, are now only using the Unique Entity ID to identify entities.

The Unique Entity ID is generated in SAM.gov.  If you are registered in SAM.gov (active or not), you already have a Unique Entity ID.  It is viewable at SAM.gov.  If you are new to SAM.gov and will be registering for the first time, you will get your Unique Entity ID (SAM) during registration.  

 Here is a summary of what you need to know: 

  • The DUNS Number was removed, and the Unique Entity ID is now the identifier of record for all entities in IAE systems.
  • SAM.gov generates the Unique Entity ID used in federal award systems.
  • SAM.gov searches, contract data, ad hoc reports, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), and extracts use the Unique Entity ID. You can no longer find the DUNS number in SAM.gov searches, views, or extracts.
  • Entities make updates to their legal business name and physical address through SAM.gov. If you need to submit documentation to validate your entity, monitor the status of your ticket in your SAM.gov Workspace or in the Federal Service Desk (FSD.gov).
  • Entities registering for the first time are assigned a Unique Entity ID as part of the registration process.

Here are frequently asked questions about Unique Entity ID and entity validation.

Keep reading for more detail based on the type of work you do in SAM.gov.

For Non-Federal Users: 

Entities update their entity information for federal award purposes through their SAM.gov Workspace.  You need to validate your entity information in SAM.gov when renewing your registration or changing your legal business name or address. Learn how to update your entity information here.

Entities who are prime awardees reporting on subawardees in FSRS should use the subawardee’s Unique Entity ID. You can search SAM.gov for another entity’s information. 

Those new to SAM.gov can register their entity or just get a Unique Entity ID by signing in to SAM.gov and creating a new entity. If you want to bid directly on contracts or grants from the federal government, choose an All Awards or Financial Assistance registration type. If you are a sub-awardee who just needs a Unique Entity ID for sub-award reporting, choose Unique Entity ID only

Remember, the Unique Entity ID in SAM.gov does not affect CAGE codes.

For Federal Users Managing Federal Entities: 

Federal entities registering in SAM.gov for the first time get a Unique Entity ID during the registration process. Make updates your federal entity information at SAM.gov.

For Federal Awarding Officials:

To search for an entity in SAM.gov, you can use the entity’s legal business name, CAGE code, or Unique Entity ID. You can not use the DUNS Number to search entities or exclusions.

For Federal and Non-Federal Users who Use SAM.gov data:

SAM.gov APIs and extracts use the Unique Entity ID.  If they contain the fields for DUNS Numbers, the fields are empty.  

If you discover your saved searches or contract data ad hoc reports  aren’t returning information as expected, make sure you replace the DUNS Number fields with Unique Entity ID fields.  


Don’t have a Unique Entity ID yet? Here’s how to get one.

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