How to design a segment where a user has previousl… – Adobe Experience League Community

The user flow I have is as follows:


CTA is displayed on page > user clicks CTA> directed to privacy agreement page > agrees to the terms and conditions > directed to experience.


I do not have tracking for the last part of this journey, only up until they click agree. 

Furthermore, once they have clicked ‘agree’ once, they will never need to do that again, so the next time they click the CTA they are directed straight to the experience.


Now I am trying to get an understanding of how many users are getting to the experience on a weekly basis.


But, I can’t quite figure out how to design this segment. It won’t just be clicks on the CTA, because that misses people who clicked on the CTA but didn’t agree to the privacy rules.


It also won’t be people who clicked the CTA AND agreed to the privacy terms, because that misses out people who have previously agreed and just get directed straight ahead to the experience. So, given my two components here:

1) Tracking clicks on the CTA, defined as link_name = special_offer30

2) Tracking users who complete the privacy agreement link_name = privacy_completed


How would I design this segment to account for both scenarios of:

1) First time clicking the CTA and has also agreed to the privacy conditions, so is directed to the experience and

2) Previously agreed to the privacy rules, so after clicking the CTA they are directed to the experience straight away

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