I created a new translation connector in AEM for doing machine translation. The translation works fine without any issue. The challenge I am having is to set translation status when there is an issue in vendor translation. 




public class TranslationServiceImpl extends AbstractTranslationService implements TranslationService {

    public TranslationResult translateString(String sourceString, String sourceLanguage, String targetLanguage,
    TranslationConstants.ContentType contentType, String contentCategory, String jobID) throws TranslationException {
    LOG.debug("translateString is called");
    String translatedString = null; // Initialize to null to check later
    try {
        translatedString = tmsService.getTranslatedText(sourceString, this.configMap, sourceLanguage, targetLanguage, jobID);
    } catch (KeyManagementException | UnsupportedOperationException | NoSuchAlgorithmException
           | KeyStoreException | IOException | InterruptedException e) {
        LOG.error("Exception occurred during translation", e);
        throw new TranslationException("Translation is failed", TranslationException.ErrorCode.TRANSLATION_FAILED);

    if (translatedString == null) {
        LOG.error("Translation failed: translatedString is null");
        throw new TranslationException("Translation is failed", TranslationException.ErrorCode.TRANSLATION_FAILED);

    return new TranslationResultImpl(translatedString, sourceLanguage, targetLanguage, contentType,
        contentCategory, sourceString, TranslationResultImpl.UNKNOWN_RATING, null);

public TranslationStatus getTranslationObjectStatus(String strTranslationJobID,
    TranslationObject translationObject) throws TranslationException {
    LOG.debug("getTranslationObjectStatus is called");
    LOG.debug("strTranslationJobID -->"+strTranslationJobID);
    LOG.debug("translationObject -->"+translationObject.getTitle());

    //throw new TranslationException("This function is not implemented", TranslationException.ErrorCode.SERVICE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
    return TranslationStatus.ERROR_UPDATE;

public void storeTranslation(String[] originalText, String sourceLanguage, String targetLanguage,
    String[] updatedTranslation, ContentType contentType, String contentCategory,
    String userId, int rating, String path) throws TranslationException {
    throw new TranslationException("Not implemented", TranslationException.ErrorCode.SERVICE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); // update this based on condition

// other methods 



I am setting TranslationException.ErrorCode.TRANSLATION_FAILED if there is any error during translation but I see it is always Approved status.





I also tried to explore if I can do anything on the getTranslationObjectStatus method but this method is never invoked. Any idea why it is not invoked ? 

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