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How to pass a variable from one scenario to another? – Questions & Answers

Hi Community!

I’ve set Scenario (1) to run with the last element of the scenario set to run another Make Scenario (2). In (1), I have a “Set Variable” module which takes the result and places the result value in variable called “requestid”. So, then Scenario(2) executes. However, I am unsure how to pass/reference Scenario 1 variable in Scenario 2.

I have the PRO plan.

Is this possible to achieve in the current plan?

Hey Simon,

You need to use HTTP module in scenario 1 to make POST API call to send a variable, And Webhook as a trigger for scenario 2 to catch this variable.

Or you can try to set up custom global variables:

@mania_braun thanks for your prompt reply!

So what you’re saying with the HTTP method is don’t use the “Run Make Scenario” within Scenario 1 but instead just do an HTTP request? ok, but I dont know what HTTP API request to make here? or what to pass… sorry if I’m being dumb.

And in terms of ‘System Variables’, my need is for a ‘Scenario Variable’ because I do not have the value of the variable until I’ve run Scenario 1.

First, create a Webhook trigger and copy the link:

Then Create the HTTP module “Make a request” in scenario 1, paste a webhook link, choose method POST, Body Type RAW, content type json, and your variable in the content. You may need to convert the variable to JSON, I’m not sure.

@mania_braun I see! That works well. Thank you so much.

Is it possible to pass two separate variables in the HTTP request? I can see the “Request Content” but I’d like to pass and “ID” and a “Result” values to the HTTP request and then map the two different values to two different fields in the other scenario

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