I want to see all the current tasks and the primary assignees in a project report view. I’ve created a text mode column that shows these things BUT it’s also pulling in some tasks at the bottom of my projects that are used for deliverable information, these tasks have no assignee so I’m looking for what I could add to my text mode reporting to exclude these tasks without an assignee from the results. 


I attempted adding: IF({assignedTo_mod}=notblank but that changed the results to only show current tasks without an assignee (the opposite of what I wanted). 


Here’s my current code, would love some pointers on what I can do differently to get only current tasks with assignees to show in this column

displayname=Current Tasks
valueexpression=IF({numberOfChildren}=0,IF({canStart},IF(CONTAINS("CPL",{status}),"",CONCAT({name}," - ",{plannedCompletionDate},": (",{assignedTo},")"))))

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