With the new Popular Mechanics video series How to Live Forever, or Die Trying, we reached out to scientists and anti-aging gurus worldwide to give you an insight into the continuous pursuit of a future without death. From gene therapies that could tune our cells to resist—and even reverse—aging to sci-fi-like efforts to freeze our bodies and upload our minds to computers, the biological and technological race to live forever is very much underway.
Watch the full program above, or view chapters below.
The Science of Why We Die
The Tech That May Achieve Immortality
The Ethics of Living Forever
The Ways to Live Longer—Right Now
For more information on what experts and scientists have learned about death with the arrival of advanced medicines, new technologies, molecular breakthroughs, and artificial intelligence, keep reading below.
Is Death Real?
Trevor Raab
It Sure Looks Like Humans Have Found a Way to Reverse Aging
Getty Images
How a Controversial Cryonics Procedure Could Finally Make Immortality Possible
What Do You See When You Die?
Can Science Cure Death? It Sure Looks Like It.
Alan Thornton//Getty Images
A Dyson Sphere Could Bring Humans Back From the Dead, Researchers Say
cokada//Getty Images
After You Die, A Universe Eats Your Body
Steven Bridges / Courtesy University of Tennessee
Nikola Tesla’s Secret to Longetivity
Popular Mechanics; Getty Images
Immortality Is Impossible Until We Beat Physics
Production Credits
Director: Josh Wolff
Editorial Director: Bill Strickland
Producers: Ken Kawada, Laura Chiarella, Josh Wolff
Executive Producer: Brian Madden, Bill Strickland
Host: Jeff Dengate
Editors: Ken Kawada, Laura Chiarella
Production Manager: Jimmy Cavalieri
Camera: Ken Kawada, David Monk, Ted Newsome, Nathan Kuczmarski, Naotomo Umewaka, Derek Knowles, Nathan Gibson, James Christenson
Audio Mix: Laura Chiarella
Color: Pat Heine
Graphics: Laura Chiarella
Animation: Josh Walker
Script writer: Darren Orf
Featuring: Nathan K. Lebrasseur, Ph.D., M.S., Michio Kaku, Ph.D., João Pedro de Magalhães, Ph.D., Bryan Johnson, Brian Patrick Green, Gary Fraser, MBChB, Ph.D.
Content Producers and Development
Sheel Shah, Senior Vice President of Strategic Partnership & Consumer Products
Christine Anderson, Vice President of Growth & Strategy
Brian Dalek, Director of Service Content
Courtney Linder, Deputy Editor, Features
Pavlína Černá, Senior Editor
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