12 Examples Of How To Boost Brand Sentiment Through Philanthropy

Many of today’s consumers, especially younger ones, purposely seek out brands that give back to the world and society in a way that connects with their personal values. In this era of conscious consumerism, philanthropic initiatives are a powerful way for brands to build positive sentiment and audience goodwill.

Below, members of Forbes Agency Council discuss unique and impactful philanthropic programs they’ve seen positively impact audiences’ feelings about a brand. Engaging in creative philanthropy not only benefits a cause aligned with a brand’s values and what its audience cares about, but also strengthens the brand’s reputation—the definition of a win-win.

1. A Sponsored Scholarship

We sponsored a scholarship focused on customer engagement. Many colleges posted the scholarship, helping with SEO and promoting the field to potential professionals. We awarded the winner and promoted this with a press release, which led to some coverage and Web links—and a very grateful student! – Eyal Danon, Ignite Advisory Group

2. A Challenge Fundraiser

To show solidarity with pediatric cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, Granite Telecom employees—along with celebrity athletes and state and city leaders—are challenged by CEO Rob Hale to shave their heads or cut their locks in exchange for a company donation benefiting pediatric cancer research and care. In 10 years, the Saving By Shaving event has raised more than $50 million and earned goodwill in the community. – Khali Henderson, BuzzTheory

3. A Charitable Medical Animal Rescue

One of the animal rescue organizations in our area recently launched a medical animal rescue 501(c)(3) to help fund care for injured animals when they are found on the street. The campaign drove amazing positive brand sentiment without showing injured animals by using statistics and positive photos. It focused on the difference we can make as individuals, one animal at a time, and it worked. – Leeza Hoyt, The Hoyt Organization, Inc.

4. Free Services For Disaster Victims

The Tide Loads of Hope program has traveled the country to provide free laundry services to families affected by disasters. It also often offers shower services, personal care kits and cleaning supplies—all things people need as they recover. The program links up with its local retailers and other charitable organizations to speed up its ability to provide goodwill. – David Racine, Punch PR

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5. A Pet Adoption Program

A pet is adopted every 38 seconds at a PetSmart store, and the organization is aiming to reach a milestone of 11 million adoptions. It’s an amazing effort that requires top-down, inside-out commitment, company and community-wide. Don’t just create campaigns; start and nurture true-to-the-brand movements to make a true impact. It’s not about empty hype. Buzz alone is not branding. PetSmart earns that and customer loyalty. – Stephen Rosa, (add)ventures

6. Free Composting Materials

Starbucks’ Grounds for Your Garden program offered customers free spent coffee grounds for compost, promoting environmental sustainability and reducing waste. Launched in 1995, the initiative enhanced brand sentiment by engaging customers in eco-friendly practices, educating them on composting benefits and strengthening community ties. – Joschka Weltgen, Compado

7. A Fundraiser For Local Animal Shelters

Dave Portnoy, the founder of Barstool Sports, raised more than $500,000 in funds to support local animal shelters when he adopted a shelter pit bull named Miss Peaches. Barstool is not associated with charity and goodwill. However, Portnoy used his platform to showcase a different side of Barstool, raising over half a million dollars for animal shelters while bringing awareness to the importance of adopting. – Trey Robinson, Story Amplify

8. Free Eyeglasses For Those In Need

The Buy a Pair, Give a Pair campaign by Warby Parker stands out for its positive impact. For every pair of glasses purchased, the company donates a pair to someone in need. This clear and relatable message resonates with customers, aligning their purchase with a good cause. The campaign continues to effectively increase brand sentiment. – Blake George, BMG Media Co.

9. Tools For Environmental Organizations

One unique digital philanthropic program is Microsoft’s AI for Earth. It provides cloud and artificial intelligence tools to organizations tackling environmental issues. By leveraging advanced technology, it drives sustainable solutions and showcases Microsoft’s commitment to digital innovation for the global good, enhancing brand sentiment and audience goodwill. – Vaibhav Kakkar, Digital Web Solutions

10. A Percentage Of Sales To Fund Environmental Groups

Patagonia’s 1% for the Planet campaign commits 1% of its total sales to environmental groups. This initiative aligns the brand with sustainability, boosting customer loyalty and brand distinction. It showcases Patagonia’s leadership in corporate responsibility, enhancing brand sentiment among eco-conscious consumers. – Scott Keever, Keever SEO

11. Funding For Solutions For People With Disabilities

Microsoft’s AI for Accessibility program, which provides grant funding and resources to developers creating AI-powered solutions for people with disabilities, improved the company’s reputation as a socially responsible technology leader. This program demonstrates Microsoft’s genuine commitment to empowering underserved communities and driving inclusive innovation. – Frederik Bussler, Bussler & Co

12. Donations Made In Clients’ Name

At my agency, we are long-time supporters of Feeding America, which provides meals to families in need. In addition to donating to this organization every quarter, we also donate on behalf of our clients every year. Everyone can connect with an organization like this, and the appreciation from our clients—who are seeing donations made in their name—is just an added bonus that continues to build goodwill. – Bernard May, National Positions

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