I cannot figure out how to delete a topic as an admin – support

Hi, I am setting up a Discourse forum for the first time.

I just created some dummy categories and topics just to explore how it looks like, but I cannot figure out how to delete a topic. Where is the button?

I have searched for this and found lots of resources talking about soft-delete, but I am an administrator. Surerly I have to be able to delete a topic I just created?

(I am puzzled by Discourse so far, it feels very modern in some aspects but then suddenly I stumble upon the simplest of things and get completely stuck! And the lack of searchable official documentation makes it even harder to get unstuck.)

Hey :wave: Welcome to Meta!

The category description topic (About the xxx category) cannot be deleted as it is essential for preserving the category’s description. For other topics you have personally created, you should find the option to remove them. If you prefer not to utilize the category definition topic, you can unlist it, then it will be invisible for most users.


Ok, thanks. That explains it. Thank you for a quick reply.

However, I must admit this is very confusing for a user, it is very “implicit behaviour”. How should a new user know that these topics are special?

Coming from other systems it feels much more natural that the category description should be a property of the category itself, not being fetched from one (of many) topics. Why would there not be possible to have a category with no child elements? That is like nothing I have encountered before.

Oh well. Thanks again.

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