Solutons Lounge

rhythm – How to choose between 3/4 and 6/8 time?

I am currently transcribing a piece of music for piano, and I have the following passage in 3/4 time:

I find that 3/4 time allows the half note in the RH to fall on the second beat, but the drawback is that the second bass note in each measure is offbeat between the second and third beat. This leads to ties as to avoid dotted notes that reach across beats, which I understand are less readable.

However, I find these ties to be unnecessary, since they don’t give information on when the second bass note lands, but only clarifies the beats, even if it is clear that the it lasts for the rest of the measure. If I were to use dotted notes for them, I would receive:

Now, however, each measure seems to be divided into two parts, which presents another alternative, which is to write the whole passage in 6/8 time. This would better justify the dotted notes in the left hand, but now the half notes in the right hand land on the third beat, and the final part of the passage has this awkward, lone eighth note:

Between 3/4 and 6/8, which time signature is preferable here, from a readability and musical perspective?

(For reference, the piece that I am transcribing is rewitkin’s night sketch, with the passage starting at around 0:34.)

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