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Clear writing for Europe – European Commission

Clear writing for Europe is a drive within the European Commission to help everyone in the Commission to write shorter, simpler, jargon-free texts. Launched in 2010 to build on the Fight the Fog campaign, it is organised by a team of editors with help from colleagues across the Commission. 

Clear writing for Europe offers authors practical advice and online resources, such as the How to write clearly booklet in 24 official languages, a weekly clear writing tip sent to around half of Commission staff and an email helpline. It also rewards drafters of clearly written Commission texts with an annual Clear Writing Award and organises training and awareness raising events for staff.

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Promoting clear writing and citizens’ language is important to all the EU institutions. Clear writing for Europe conferences in 2019 and 2021 highlighted efforts to ensure clear and effective written communication with EU citizens and drew together clear language professionals from across the EU.

Clear writing network

Clear writing for Europe extends beyond the Commission. We plan to set up an EU network of clear writers to share experiences and best practices and launch initiatives in all EU languages. Want to join us? Get in touch at: DGT-CLEAR-WRITINGec [dot] europa [dot] eu (DGT-CLEAR-WRITING[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

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