How to allocate issues on mul…


a very common use case is that companies want to do resource management on issues in Jira, and plan Initiatives or Epics multiple weeks in advance on one or more users or teams.

Example 1:

I know that in 3 months, I will need a developer for ten days for Epic A. I don’t know what developer exactly it will be, but only that I will need him for ten weeks for Epic A. How?

I tried using BigPicture, but the only way to do that is to create a fake user, which consumes a license, and assigning this user as the assignee of this Epic. Which obviously doesn’t work, as the Epic will first need to be reviewed by some other people that are assignees (and the allocation will be lost after that).

If I want to plan the work for two developers, that’s even worse, as this assignment will be based on the assignee field (and there can be only one person).

I just want to plan an the Epic for multiple people, so I know it will take up their allocation in the future 🙁

Example 2:

We want to allocate two+ teams of users to an Initiative that is coming up in 2 months and will take up a month, so that we can mark that these teams have already allocated 50% of their time to this Initiative and that other Initiatives can be planned for these teams only for the remaining 50% of their capacities during that month.

Again, using BigPicture, I was able to plan team A to one initiative, yet when I assign this initiative to team B, it disappears from team A’s resource schedule.

Please advise me with resolving this – can BigPicture do it? Can some other app do it? Thanks.

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