How To Repurpose Your Best Ideas Without Being Too Repetitive

Content creators have one of the most difficult jobs — capturing and holding an audience’s attention. So, when you publish a piece with pizazz, you want to maintain its staying power. But every marketer knows how fickle audiences can be. A blog post full of insightful text might resonate with a segment today and become obsolete tomorrow. Likewise, another segment will gravitate toward the same insights if they’re in video format instead.

Repurposing your best ideas is how you keep spreading the word while extending your content’s life. The key is to do it in a way that isn’t too repetitive. It’s like having your favorite song on replay. Sometimes, it’s nice, but after a while, you’ve got to move on to the next track. Below are a few of my tips on how to best repurpose your content.

Automate Part Of The Process

Creating content takes time. There’s ideation, outlining, rough drafts, edits, and revisions. A lot of effort and collaboration goes into the finished piece of content. So, while repurposing something you’ve already published may not take as much time, it’s not instantaneous. You have to think about how to transform an existing piece into a new format. Then, you must tweak and test it to see if you’ve hit the mark.

But what if you could save yourself a few headaches by repurposing old content with AI? New AI tools like ArticleX can convert existing audio/video media into blog posts. If you’ve got media like YouTube videos or Instagram reels, the tools can churn out a repurposed article. I feed the tool a media URL, press generate, and an original article pops out. My favorite part is that these tools use my own words and voice to provide better context to the AI generators. Rather than generating nonsensical text based on zero context, the AI uses my original thoughts to create a compelling article.

Of course, you want to look them over, making changes where you see fit. But your content team won’t need to spend hours fleshing out existing ideas. Plus, the team can see what AI comes up with while adding new insights to reduce repetition. With AI-backed content repurposing tools, you can automate critical steps in your content creation process. Your team will become more efficient and tech-savvy.

Break Down Your Message

When repurposing your content, you’ve got options. You could transform the original content message into a new format. For example, imagine turning a blog post into a podcast for Spotify. You’d discuss all the key points from the original writing, just in a spoken format.

With this route, you’re essentially repeating something you’ve already said.

Another option is breaking down your message into bite-sized pieces to be less monotonous. Say you have a high-performing blog about five top countries for retired expats. A simple way to break down your message is to create five separate podcasts or videos.

Each piece of repurposed content discusses one of the countries on your blog’s list. This method allows you to explore each country deeper while expanding the blog’s value. If you’re unsure how to break down a broader topic, you can use an SEO tool like Google Search Console.

SEO tools help identify topic expansion opportunities and potential high-performing subject matter. Semrush’s 2023 State of Content Marketing report reveals that 42% of marketers and business owners achieve success with repurposing or updating content. Breaking down your main message lets you reach additional audiences on various platforms and across niche interests.

Let Audience Members Co-Create

The whole point of content is to engage people. Subgoals, such as increasing brand recognition and boosting conversions, could support this aim. To take audience engagement to the next level, give them opportunities to help co-create your content. This technique includes your repurposing efforts.

How? Webinars, live streams, reviews, and social media convos are examples. You could also leverage user-generated content to piggyback off something you’ve already published. Interactive features such as online polls and short questionnaires fall into audience co-creation.

Statistics show that 33% of B2B marketers use interactive content. B2C marketers invest heavily in Facebook to distribute their content, with 90% relying on the platform. Yet, there’s more to Facebook than simply making posts. Take advantage of the live stream and comment features. There may be an opportunity to turn a blog into a real-time event or repurpose your audience’s input by expanding upon their comments.

Optimize Your Publishing Schedule

Say you’ve repurposed your content and have it ready to go on multiple different platforms. Even though you’ve added value to each piece, refrain from adopting a gung-ho approach. Publishing each piece simultaneously can come across as repetitive, particularly to audience members who engage with your brand on multiple sites.

Create a content calendar, spacing out repurposed pieces so they don’t resemble a shuffled playlist with two to three songs. You’ll stretch out your calendar as an added perk, too. Less brainstorming, less starting from scratch.

Another way to reduce repetition with an optimized publishing schedule is to plan to freshen up mostly evergreen content. The data, including stats, might need an update. You can also add a recent case study or insight you’ve discovered. Planning for repurposing helps you see where you can avoid potential repetition.

Repurposing Your Best

High-performing, long-standing content is a marketer’s dream. And when you’ve got top-notch pieces in your repository, it just makes sense to leverage them. Repurposing that content is a technique you want to put to good use. However, not optimizing this method increases your chances of falling into the repetition trap. Using AI to automate processes, create bite-sized messages, co-create with your audience, and space out publishing schedules reduces this risk.

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