Solutons Lounge

How to find the crash reason in Grasshopper? – Grasshopper

Hi everyone.

I have an average scale script that populates things based on referenced geometry.
Now in some cases when I move the referenced geometry the Grasshopper crashes, but the issue is I do not know which component caused the crash. I waited quite long in an attempt to see if it finishes computing so I can track the faulty node with Metahopper.

So, the question is, can I somehow see which node was taking so long to compute after Grasshopper crashes? Or I should go through tedious forensics?

By crashing I mean freezing indefinitely (not the one with sending reports).

difficult to guess without the actual grasshopper file

maybe you could try using some data dams to narrow down the component that causes the issue?

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Yeah, it would be great if there was some low level log for Grasshopper, at least to enable optionally so we have a chance of seeing what causes a repeatable crash.

@DavidRutten Does something like that exist and if not is it even feasible?

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