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How to verify domain registrant’s contact details

The Internet authority on domain names, ICANN (or Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), requires confirming the validity of the domain owner’s email address and other contact information.

Therefore, most domains must be verified within the first 15 days after purchase, transfer, or a change in the contact details. If verification is not completed in time, the domain is temporarily suspended and stops working until verified.

After registering a new domain at Hostinger, we send you a verification message to the email address specified in the domain owner’s contact details.

If you haven’t received the verification email, navigate to the Domains tab and click on Manage next to the domain in question:

The button "Manage" in the domains section

Next, click on Resend email:

Open the inbox of the email address you specified for your domain and look for a message sent by an address ending with Make sure to check the Spam and Trash folders as well.

Next, click on the link in the message. You will be redirected to a verification page similar to the following. Once there, click on Verify:

Give it up to 15 minutes for the changes to be applied. If the domain verification still appears as pending after that time, you can update the status on your panel by clicking on the Check again button:

If you have tried resending the verification email and you are not receiving it, you can try the following:

  • Use your email account’s search function to find keywords such as ICANN, domain, or your actual domain name.

  • Check for emails sent by or

If you inserted an email address to which you don’t have access, e.g., due to a typo, enter the correct address on your domain’s contact details and approve the change. Once the new address is applied, contact us, and we will help you with the next steps to verify your domain.

Some TLDs do not require domain verification – in that case, you will not receive the verification email or see the option to resend it 💡

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