Solutons Lounge

How to create a surface from an irregular set of curves? – Grasshopper

Hi there,

I’m trying to create a surface from a set of curves which can’t be made by using the traditional surface tools. I could cut up the surface in such a way that I can, but I feel like there should be a cleaner option out there.

Just looking at these curves, does some other function come to mind? (The second image is an impression of the surface I’m trying to create, but excludes the intersecting curves and is just build from the two edge curves).

Thanks in advance

Yes, but without posting the geometry, I can’t test it or show you.

I wanted to adjust my interaction with this website because last time I was scolded for sharing the code and not being able to define the problem well. I thought this time I would just phrase the problem as surface-level as possible to avoid unpleasant interactions.

If you’d rather test it yourself than telling me which function; Here is the geometry:

surface from (43.6 KB)

Your help is appreciated

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