How to integrate AI into your business – Vercel

Artificial intelligence has become a critical driver of innovation and competitive advantage. With the AI market projected to grow by 37.3% annually through 2030, leaders face the challenge of effectively integrating AI into their organizations.

Implementing AI requires reimagining business operations and balancing technical capabilities with strategic objectives. When you’re just starting your AI journey, the options can be abstract and overwhelming.

This guide will give you a framework for finding the right AI features to develop and getting org-wide buy-in to pursue them. You’ll also learn how Vercel’s frontend-centric approach and dedicated AI SDK can accelerate your AI initiatives and give you tangible proof of concept faster than ever.

Before jumping headlong into AI development, it’s crucial to identify and evaluate AI use cases that align with your business goals and technical capabilities.

Identifying target use cases

When considering potential AI applications, look for areas where a frontend-centric approach can deliver rapid results and tangible value.

Traditional AI use cases are valuable, but the real opportunity lies in pushing the boundaries to create exceptional customer value.

Consider these innovative AI applications that transform user interactions:

  • Personalized user journeys
  • Real-time generative UI
  • Intelligent search and recommendation systems
  • Advanced conversational shopping assistants
  • Natural language interfaces
  • Predictive analytics for user behavior
  • Custom 3D product design generators

These AI-driven features go beyond simple automation, reimagining how users interact with your products or services. They create more engaging, efficient, and personalized experiences that significantly enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. The most impactful AI use cases often unlock new creative possibilities, opening up a new world for customer experience.

In today’s AI landscape, where language models have become commoditized, the true differentiator lies in frontend development and user experience. Vercel’s platform enables developers to create intuitive, AI-powered interfaces that set applications apart. This frontend-focused approach ensures that AI is seamlessly integrated into a superior user experience.​

AI features you can add to your app today.

Looking for more ideas for easy-to-implement AI features? We have you covered.

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Evaluating AI use cases

To systematically assess potential AI features, we’ve developed the Vercel Impact Assessment for AI Initiatives (VIA-AI). This framework helps you prioritize AI projects based on their potential impact and feasibility within the Vercel ecosystem.

Vercel Impact Assessment for AI Initiatives (VIA-AI)

  1. Value potential: Assesses the expected return on investment (ROI) and overall impact of the AI initiative. This includes improvements to customer experience, operational efficiency, revenue generation, or cost reduction. Consider both short-term gains and long-term strategic value. (1 = Minimal value, 5 = Transformative impact)
  2. Integration feasibility: Evaluates how easily the AI solution can be implemented within your existing technology stack and processes. This covers technical compatibility, required resources, and the level of disruption to current workflows. Consider the availability of necessary skills and the learning curve for your team. (1 = Highly complex integration, 5 = Seamless integration)
  3. Strategic alignment: Measures how well the AI use case aligns with your organization’s overall strategy and objectives. This pillar ensures that the AI initiative contributes directly to your core business aims rather than being a standalone or tangential project. (1 = Minimal alignment, 5 = Perfect strategic fit)
  4. Business logic enhancement: Assesses how significantly the AI will improve or augment existing business processes and decision-making. This includes the potential for automation of routine tasks, enhancement of human capabilities, and the introduction of new, AI-driven insights that can inform strategy and operations. (1 = Minor enhancements, 5 = Major process improvements)
  5. Data quality and availability: Evaluates the readiness, accessibility, and quality of data required for the AI initiative. This includes assessing data completeness, accuracy, relevance, and ease of accessing and processing the necessary data. (1 = Poor data quality or significant data gaps, 5 = High-quality, comprehensive data readily available)
  6. Performance and scalability: Examines the AI solution’s ability to handle increased loads, adapt to growing data volumes, and maintain responsiveness as the user base expands. Also considers the solution’s performance in terms of speed, reliability, and resource efficiency across various operating conditions. (1 = Performance concerns and limited scalability, 5 = Excellent performance characteristics and highly scalable)
  7. Security, compliance, and user trust: Examines the AI solution’s adherence to data protection standards, regulatory requirements, and principles that foster user confidence in the system. This pillar assesses the robustness of security measures, compliance with relevant regulations, and the ability to build and maintain user trust through responsible AI practices. (1 = Significant security and compliance risks, low user trust, 5 = Robust security, full compliance, high user trust potential)

If your average score is above 4, it’s almost certainly time to begin implementing your imagined AI feature. Below 3, and you may need to take some time to reevaluate the lacking pillars.

When applying this framework, involve stakeholders from various departments to ensure a comprehensive evaluation. This collaborative approach helps build internal support and alignment for your AI initiatives.

Developing key performance indicators (KPIs)

Once you’ve identified promising AI use cases, it’s essential to establish clear, measurable KPIs. These should encompass both technical performance and business outcomes.

Technical KPIs

Related Business KPIs

Model Accuracy

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Score

Response Time

Conversion Rate

Uptime / Availability

Customer Retention Rate

Error Rate

Brand Sentiment

Throughput (queries per second)

Operational Efficiency


Time-to-Market for New Features

Data Quality Score

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Model Drift Rate

Upsell/Cross-sell Success Rate

Resource Utilization

Cost Reduction

API Call Success Rate

Employee Productivity

Security Incident Rate

Regulatory Compliance Score

Data Processing Speed

Revenue Growth

Model Training Time

Return on Investment (ROI)

A/B Test Performance

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

User Adoption Rate

Market Share

When setting KPIs, establish baseline metrics before implementing AI to accurately measure impact. Use Vercel’s observability suite to track performance in real-time.

Successful AI initiatives require broad organizational buy-in and effective collaboration across multiple disciplines. Understanding how to organize your team, leverage various skill sets, and integrate AI into existing workflows is crucial for AI project success.

Roles and responsibilities



Data Science

– Handles data preparation and cleaning

– Conducts experiments and evaluates model performance

– Develops and trains models

DevOps and MLOps

– Manages infrastructure for model training and deployment

– Implements CI/CD pipelines for AI models

– Ensures scalability and reliability of AI services


– Designs and implements user interfaces for AI features

– Integrates AI capabilities into the user experience

– Optimizes performance of AI-driven UI components

Product Management

– Defines use cases and requirements for AI features

– Prioritizes AI initiatives based on business impact

– Coordinates between technical teams and stakeholders

Security Team

– Ensures AI system resilience against attacks (e.g., DDoS, denial of wallet)

– Protects data processing and personalized user responses in AI workflows

– Implements security measures like WAF, rate limiting, and bot protection

Legal and Compliance

– Ensures AI applications adhere to relevant regulations

– Addresses data privacy and ethical concerns

Business Stakeholders

– Provide domain expertise and define success metrics

– Validate AI outputs and provide feedback

Report results to leadership and ensure strategic alignment

Lowering barriers to AI development

One of the advantages of using Vercel for AI projects is that it democratizes AI development. The platform gives you the space to experiment quickly with new AI use cases. This is vital to prove out features without dealing with legacy code that’s not yet AI-ready.

Vercel lets engineers at any experience level meaningfully contribute to AI projects using Next.js’s powerful defaults and Vercel’s intuitive, automated platform. Plus, the AI SDK simplifies integration with various AI providers, providing full model portability and reducing the need for specialized expertise.

This allows you to more easily foster internal support for your AI project:

  1. Start small: Use Vercel’s platform to quickly prototype AI features without extensive infrastructure setup.
  2. Iterate easily: Vercel’s streamlined development workflow allows for rapid testing and refinement of AI concepts in unlimited true-to-prod environments.
  3. Demonstrate value: Use Vercel’s analytics to showcase the impact of AI features on key metrics.
  4. Involve stakeholders early: Utilize Vercel’s preview deployments to get feedback from various departments.
  5. Upgrade as needed: The AI SDK keeps you future-proofed by allowing you to swap in the latest AI models without disrupting your code.

Switching to Vercel transformed our workflow. It didn’t just speed us up; it changed how we innovate.

Peter RunhamCo-founder & CTO, Leonardo.Ai

Vercel’s frontend-first approach, which lets you start with a single developer, makes it easier to demonstrate value and secure support from C-suite and cross-functional teams. GPUs and third-party AI providers are expensive, and you need to be able to quickly prove to stakeholders what works and what doesn’t.

AI model breakthroughs happen daily, but your innovation stack can be future-proof. Vercel helps you validate ideas quickly and ship cutting-edge AI features that remain relevant, no matter how the AI landscape shifts.

Brainstorm with us.

Whether you’ve yet to come up with the perfect AI idea or are well into development, our experts can help you optimize your infrastructure for new AI features.

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