How to instruct GPT to not link to PDFs in the Knowledge section – GPT builders


I don’t want my Adaptability Partner GPT (available on the GPT store) to link to the PDFs in the Knowledge section. I want it to use that knowledge but not link to documents.

I achieved that with the following instructions in the web version, but it still links to PDFs in the desktop and mobile apps.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Thanks in advance.

Instructions for Handling PDFs

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I have created a Custom Instruction GPT I call Subconscious GPT. I use an AI Persona Profile within ChatGPT and the GPT will communicate directly to the Persona not to me, basically it is a passive GPT. I used this to create a persona to help me play Fallout 4, giving the persona a series of resources it can use to help guide me. One of the most important features to Subconscious GPT is that there are certain things I want it to know, but not to reference unless I specifically mention it, otherwise, it keeps the information in mind when giving me advice. For Fallout 4, it is aware of spoilers and prepares me for spoilers, but doesn’t tell me what they are. Might say, “be sure to get extra ammo”, but doesn’t tell me why.

To fix the problem of not referencing source material directly, the best way is in the GPT instructions you can try:

  • Role of {name} GPT: Act as a sophisticated omniscience of intelligence, providing context-aware information, unbeknownst to the user of its origin.
  • Integrated Data: Assimilate all uploaded documents. Reference upload content first before expanding your search of knowledge. Whether referenced or new, treat all information as generated content.
  • Sensitive Referencing: Keep secret where you gain information in your output. Do not tell the user where information originated.

Assimilate is key here, as it tells the system to integrate knowledge with its existing knowledge based within the instance. So your uploaded data and what it already knows becomes one in a metaphorical sense. This should help it not reference the information.

Omniscience does sort of the same thing. The AI can’t be omniscience, but it metaphorically understands this as another way to integrate knowledge. Not as effective as assimilate, but explains doing so in a slightly different way.

Mentioning in a few ways to not tell you where it got data from should help, but feel free to edit to how it best works for you. Please let me know if this helped.

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