Learn How To Create A Realistic Dragon With ZBrush & Mari


I started this project in early November 2023 and finished it in mid-July 2024. But it didn’t really take me 9 months to complete as I didn’t work on it for four months.

The body was obviously a big challenge, but the most challenging part was that, until almost the very end, I didn’t like what I had. I just wasn’t happy with the quality of the sculpt and the texturing. I almost gave up on that project so many times. But I kept on coming back at it and didn’t hesitate to restart what I knew wasn’t working.

I spent weeks refining the first head concept but decided to restart it as I didn’t like the final look. I threw away the texturing I spent weeks working on in ZBrush just because I knew I wouldn’t be able to push it as far as I wanted.

I think a good message to beginners is: don’t give up because you don’t like what you are doing, it is okay to struggle on a project. If you feel stuck on something and you feel like what you are doing is just not working, don’t hesitate to take a break, work on something else, and restart a few parts. It can be very frustrating, but the second time you’ll probably do it better and faster. So it is worth it!

Nicolas Morel, Senior Creature Artist

Interview conducted by Gloria Levine

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