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How to preserve EEPROM space when programming STM3…


I can suggest something with J-Link and J-Flash tool.

When I created a new project with the suggested micro using JFlash, I got the two memory ranges.

It looks like that

0x8000000 – 0x802FFFF :right_arrow: is for application code
0x8080000 – 0x80817FF :right_arrow: is for saving data similar to EEPROM and is of 6KB

In J-Flash Project you can go to “Project Setting” :right_arrow: “Flash”, you can uncheck the memory ranges you don’t want to program.

As you can see the “check box”, just uncheck and use the project, then J-Link will not erase the memory ranges that are not selected.

Just make sure to not use “Erase Chip”, it will still erase the complete chip, instead of the use “Erase Sector”

Hope this helps


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