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get involved in the Plant Swap program – Bundaberg Now

Plant Swap
The Easter cassia plant is one of the invasive species targeted for removal in the Plant Swap Program.

Did you know Bundaberg Regional Council offers to swap out backyard and front garden weeds with native plants?

The Plant Swap Program aims to reduce the impact on our natural environment by removing these unwanted weeds from our region.

Environmental weeds are plant species which currently are or have the potential to negatively impact our natural environment by destroying habitat and outcompeting native species.

Many of the worst environmental weeds have escaped from gardens or have been introduced into the environment by illegal dumping of garden waste and seed spread by birds and animals.

Homeowners can register for the Plant Swap Program by contacting the Land Protection team.

Once registered a Land Protection Officer will attend to help identify weeds on the property.

Homeowners can receive a native plant voucher for each of the targeted environmental plants removed from their garden, which can be exchanged at the Bundaberg & District Landcare Association for a replacement native plant species.

Plants targeted for removal include relevant cacti species, Broad-leaved pepper tree, Brazilian cherry, Easter cassia, Yellow bells, Asparagus fern, Black-eyed Susan, Captain Cook tree, Guava, Leucaena, Mother-of-millions and Ochna

Information on the program can be found on Council’s website here.

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