Solutons Lounge

How to delete comment under review

Hello, I recently worked on a client’s logo redesign project, I did a good job with the logo, the client was happy. Then he didn’t close the contract because he wanted me to make him a sticker pack. I failed to satisfy the customer with stickers and he closed the contract with a 4.30 feedback. I didn’t deserve it, I did the main task well. The job description only mentioned the logo redesign, there was nothing about sticker design. But that’s not the problem. I wanted to ask him to fix the feedback, but I accidentally wrote it under his feedback. Now everyone can see this comment, and this comment of mine will have a bad effect on my reputation, it happened by accident, i want you to help me delete my comment. i am not asking to delete the customer’s review. only my comment under this review. Who should I contact?

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