I’m going abroad to Paris, France, in the spring, and I’m so excited to immerse myself in the food, culture and people of such a beautiful city. However, I also haven’t taken French since eighth grade. So, I signed up to take French 1 every morning at 9 a.m! So far, my class has been going great, but there’s definitely a learning curve to getting back into a language. If you’re in a similar situation, whether you’re starting a new language or reacquainting yourself with one you’ve learned before, I hope these tips can help you on your journey.

Speak only in your target language!

First, and most importantly, resist every urge to speak in English! If you don’t know a word, you can supplement with English, but try your best to keep speaking full sentences in your target language. Speaking out loud is the best way to practice a language, and you won’t get that crucial practice time by hindering yourself constantly with English.

Make a friend in your class/program

Going along with the first point, making a friend in your language class or program can be really helpful. Not only can you get in extra conversation practice, but you can also ask them questions and simply feel more comfortable speaking out loud and more motivated to learn alongside them.

Do your homework

Duh. No, but seriously, in a language class (especially Berkeley’s five-day-a-week classes) it’s so important to get in your practice every day through homework. Make sure you’re not only doing the homework assignments that will be turned in, but also doing any other practice that your teacher schedules for you, such as reviewing verbs or key phrases (I might be talking to myself right now).

Ask questions

This can be hard in any class, but especially one in an unfamiliar language. I promise you, no one is judging you for not getting a concept or for your question being grammatically incorrect — what matters is that you’re learning and trying, just like everyone else! Asking questions is the best way to get clarification while practicing your speaking skills.

It’s okay to get frustrated

Learning a language can be really tough. It requires a lot of perseverance and being okay with getting things wrong the first few times. If you get frustrated, just remind yourself that it’s valid, but that it’s also normal and that the feeling will pass. In the future, when you nail a sentence on your first try without a second thought, it will be so worth it. 

These tips have definitely helped me feel more comfortable and confident with picking French back up, and honestly serve as a good reminder to myself. I hope they can help you in the same way! We are all in this together.

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