stm32WB. How to reset to factory settings?

Hello,  I have a problem with the return of the STM32WB to the factory settings 

When I use the next command 

STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe -c port=SWD -w32 0x5800040C 0x00008000

that looks like that 

08bf8040-d86f-4e8c-8268-a610e0253820 (1).jpeg

But finally, when I read FUSE I saw that Stake was not removed and FUSE (was not updated, because I uploaded an old version for testing). 


I used the custom PCB board and didn’t use BOOT0 during my command if it was necessary.

So does any alternative exist to return factory settings?


My problem started from the moment when I did not correctly upload Stack and BLE didn’t start working, details are here

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