How to fix the colts – Colts Football

So this is based on what I’ve seen from the colts the pass two weeks and what I feel they can do to fix some of the problems their dealing with


1.Stop forcing AR to make passes in the pocket 


I’m sorry, but AR imo just doesn’t have the accuracy to sit in the pocket and make throws. Get him outside where teams are forced to come at him because of the fear of him running which then opens up the coverage. It shrinks the field sure, but it also puts the defense in a bind because they have to respect AR’s legs.


2.Taylor needs to touch the ball 20-25 times a game 


2 games and Taylor has not touched the ball more then 16 times which is absolutely insane to me given he’s your best player. You need to take as much pressure off AR as possible and JT can do that.


3.Give AR easy throws to the TEs


I don’t know why the hell the TEs are not getting more involved in the passing game. We need drive starting plays. Not everything needs to be a deep or intermediate play.


4.Defense needs more lane discipline 


I can’t count how many times I’ve seen teams easily move our guys out of the way. No one is holding their ground and on certain cases their just over pursuiting and the RB is already 5 yards down the field.


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