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Toothache Remedies: How to get rid of toothache quickly? Simple home remedies to know |

How to get rid of toothache quickly? Simple home remedies to know

Toothache is unbearable. With winter already around the corner, some people might have started dreading the cold weather because it worsens toothache. Toothache may be caused by several factors like decay in the tooth, infection within the jaw or tooth, gum disease, or an injury. The throbbing pain either to the tooth or jaw can be overwhelming, causing discomfort.This pain might interfere with your daily routine. The best treatment, of course, is a visit to a dentist, but there are many home remedies that might temporarily ease the pain.
Here are a few remedies that are completely all-natural, pocket-friendly, and may help reduce the intensity of the pain before you can meet your dentist.

Clove oil

Perhaps one of the most popular and effective remedies for the relief of toothache is clove oil. Cloves contain eugenol, which is a natural anesthetic and an antibacterial agent which has the tendency to numb the pain and reduce inflammation.
Use a cotton ball or a clean cotton swab. Dip it into a few drops of clove oil. Slightly rub it on the affected area. Let it be for a few minutes and rinsed with warm water. Alternatively, you can chew an entire clove near the aching tooth and you should be able to achieve the same effect. Be sure not to swallow the clove oil because it is very potent and may also cause irritation in your gums if overused.

Salt water gargle

An easy as well as an effective remedy to treat toothache pain and reduce infection is a saltwater rinse. Salt is a natural disinfectant and helps in reducing inflammation, swelling, and the amount of bacteria in the mouth.
Mix ½ teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Swish it in your mouth for about 30 seconds. Spit it out and repeat the process a few times. This would work by cleaning the infected area and alleviating the pain. It proves to be of excellent use when the cause is irritation from the gums or infection.


Garlic is one of those things that are used even in Indian kitchens for many medicinal benefits. Allicin works to bring on antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. This garlic decreases the pain and kills the destructive microorganisms in the oral cavity.

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Crush a new clove of garlic into a paste. Apply the garlic paste directly to the affected tooth. Leave on for a few minutes and then rinse off with warm water. You may also chew slowly on a raw clove of garlic to administer quicker relief. The taste will be overpowering, so you will want to rinse out your mouth with water after.

Ice pack

Cold application is such a simple technique, yet effective and harmless way to anesthetize the tooth for pain and reduce inflammation. It can make the nerves that may be causing pain numb and bring short-term relief from pain, especially if caused by swelling or injury to the tooth.

Wrap some ice cubes in a clean cloth or towel. Hold it against the cheek near the aching tooth for 15 minutes. Do it for several minutes on and off. They constrict the blood vessels within that particular tooth, thereby relieving the pain or decreasing the swelling. A very quick remedy though only temporary for this toothache pain.

Pudina tea

Pudina tea has mild numbing properties, hence comforts toothache. It is also cooling and refreshing, which combats the inflammation and has a soothing effect on its own.

Steep a peppermint tea bag in hot water and let it cool. Put the tea bag on the aching tooth for about 15-20 minutes. You can also chill it in the fridge and use cold, with the same effect. You can treat not only the pain but also provide a refreshing flavor in your mouth through this remedy.

Guava leaves

The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial property of guava leaves makes it an excellent medicine for treating toothaches. In this way, the leaves find common usage in Indian homes in solving oral health and pain problems.
Take fresh guava leaves and chew on them. Squeeze out the juice from it. Boil water with guava leaves. Once the water is cooled, use it as a mouthwash. This medication kills the bacteria present in the mouth and eliminates all conditions of both toothache and gum issues.


Sulphur compounds present in onions hold antibacterial compounds inside them. Sulphur compounds are anti-inflammatory and kill germs, providing comfort from the pain of teeth as well.
Cut a small size of the raw onion. Keep it directly on the affected tooth, or chew it slowly. The antibacterial activity of onions would decrease the infection and decrease the pain slowly.


Asafoetida is a medicine that has been used in Ayurveda for so long to treat toothache and gum-related issues. It, being an anti-inflammatory agent, would be termed as a good home remedy to assuage the dental pain.

Take a little pinch of asafoetida and mix with a few drops of lemon juice. Now apply this paste on to the affected tooth and you’ll feel relief immediately. Asafoetida not only heals toothache but also controls gum infections along with other mouth related diseases.

Wheatgrass Juice

Wheatgrass is a powerful antibacterial agent and thus helps in the fight against infection, simultaneously reducing pain from the teeth. It is packed with chlorophyll, which cleanses toxins from the gums and blocks bacterial activities inside the mouth.
Freshly extract wheatgrass juice. Use it as a mouthwash – Swish it around for a few minutes. Wheatgrass juice helps in healing infections, strengthening gums, pain reliever and thus proves to be the best natural cure for oral health.


Turmeric is the most powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic ayurvedic herb. It has anti-infection properties that make it the best toothache remedy. This active ingredient curcumin decreases the level of inflammation thus preventing infections.

Mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a few drops of water to make a thick paste. Apply the paste directly on the tooth affected. Leave it for some minutes then wash your mouth with warm water. Turmeric can also be mixed with honey or coconut oil for further healing properties.

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