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How to Perform a Combat Roll

When you think of a combat roll, your mind might jump to scenes from video games or action movies (here’s 60 seconds of unnecessary cinematic combat rolls for your viewing pleasure).

But this dynamic maneuver, also known as a shoulder roll, is more than just cinematic spectacle — it’s a practical skill with real-world applications in martial arts, parkour, and even everyday life. It’s a great way to quickly evade an attack or break a jump from heights.

In this illustrated guide, we’ll break down the mechanics of executing a proper combat roll, with the instructions used in the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your self-defense repertoire, add flair to your athletic pursuits, or simply impress your kids, mastering this technique can be both useful and fun, because, let’s be honest, it just feels really cool to do them. And that’s reason enough to learn.

Illustration by Ted Slampyak

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