Part of being a skilled and confident presenter means being prepared for any eventuality. To make sure you’re ready, you need to have a series of responses (one-liners) for things that could happen unexpectedly during your presentation. The best one-liners connect to the specific events leading up to the issue requiring your quip. Context makes them more interesting.

Practice One-Liners To Master Presentation Skills And Impress Your Audience

At the same time, It’s helpful to have a few standard one-liners ready in case you can’t think of one on the spot. Not only will it help when something unexpected happens, having these one-liners in your back pocket can help reduce the stress of delivering presentations. Here are some generic quips for 9 of the most common presentation mishaps:

1. Computer/Tech Problems

You did a tech check, made sure everything is working perfectly, yet despite all that prep, your presentation encounters a glitch.


  • Don’t worry – this is just part of my plan to build suspense!
  • Apparently my computer was up late with some of you at the bar last night.
  • Bear with me while I perform the ancient, mystical ritual of turning the computer off and on again.

2. Your Joke Falls Flat

Your mother thought it was funny, but when you deliver it live, all you get is blank stares and looks of confusion.


  • I see we’re going with the silent chuckle today because we’re at such a dignified venue. Very sophisticated! I get it.
  • Well, that one killed at my family reunion… I guess you had to be there.
  • Guess I’ll just charge that joke to my room and move on.

3. The Guest Isn’t There

You delivered the most heartfelt and meaningful introduction, but there’s just one problem, the person you’re calling to the stage is nowhere to be found.


  • I guess [guest name] is making a dramatic entrance… or a dramatic exit!
  • I’d like to introduce [guest name] who clearly values suspense as much as I do!
  • Alright, I guess they’re just adding a bit of mystery to today’s presentation!

4. Your Microphone Malfunctions

Sometimes, you’re spouting brilliance, but the only one who hears your wisdom is you. When your mic takes a break, here’s what to say (with your loudest voice).


  • It looks like the mic and I aren’t on speaking terms today!
  • Is this a not-so-subtle message that I’m talking too much?
  • Looks like the mic is quiet quitting. Need a better engagement plan.

5. The Presentation Slides Freeze/Won’t Advance

Whether it’s a problem with your slide advancer or with your PowerPoint slides, having your slides get stuck can be frustrating and anxiety-creating.


  • My slides are a little shy today – must be this intimidating audience!
  • If you were able to see the next slide, you would be so impressed!
  • The batteries in this thing clearly DON’T keep going and going and going.

6. There’s an unexpected loud noise in the room or next door

You can’t control things that happen in the room or in other parts of the venue, but you can use unexpected noises as a way to add some humor.


  • And there’s our built-in sound effect for extra impact! We spare no expense to keep you engaged!
  • If our riveting content doesn’t keep you awake, that noise sure will.
  • I think the folks at the hotel are breaking ground for an addition so we can have even more people at next year’s event.

7. You Mispronounce a Complicated Term/Name

Even the most articulate speakers encounter words and names that are difficult to pronounce. When those words trip you up, use these words to charm your audience.


  • I’ll just let my tongue catch up with that word – it was clearly on a sprint!
  • That is how you say [insert word or phrase] in Portuguese (or Esperanto or Belarusian).
  • I’m better with monosyllabic words.

8. An Unexpected Question Throws You Off Guard

No matter how knowledgeable you are about your topic and how prepared you are for questions, sometimes a query from the audience leaves you speechless.


  • Well, that’s a great question… which I’ll definitely be Googling later!
  • That’s a question I’ve been asking myself my whole life… still no answer!
  • Fantastic question! It’s so good, I’m going to save it for my next presentation.

9. Lighting or Visual Effects Malfunction

Proper lighting and effects keep presentations dynamic and engaging—except when they don’t work:


  • How do you like the dramatic ‘dark mode’ approach? We’re going for moody vibes today!
  • I think they’re spending so much on this amazing event, they need to dim the lights for savings.
  • That visual effect would have been the most impressive part of this presentation if it had worked. So imagine something from the latest Taylor Swift Tour. It would have been just like that.

To Master Presentations Skills, Prepare For Unexpected Moments

No matter how prepared you are things can go wrong when you’re delivering a presentation in front of a live audience. Be ready for these common occurrences to demonstrate your skill at managing the unexpected and entertaining the audience.

A pioneer in personal branding and virtual presentation skills, William Arruda helps professionals stand out in the digital world. Download his free guide 9 Fun and Easy Ways to Rev Up Your Online Meetings and Master Presentations to transform your online events into powerful, engaging, branded experiences.

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