Despite emerging regulation, practical questions on how to make best use of artificial intelligence (AI) by the judiciaries remain. How can adequate drafting assistance be provided? How to reconcile the efficiency promised by AI tools while maintaining “human justice”, centred on the individual? How can general purpose AI systems, such as Large Language Models (LLMs) meet judicial needs?

The CEPEJ’s Artificial Intelligence Advisory Board (AIAB) undertook a reflection on these and other selected issues in preparation for a consultation with the French Cour de Cassation in December 2024.

These reflections might be useful to courts or judicial professionals faced with the question of how to use AI best.

The AIAB provides expert advice on issues related to AI in the judicial environment. The Board was created in 2022 to support the CEPEJ in monitoring the emergence of AI applications in the justice sector, to advise on related implementation strategies in this field, and to contribute to the reflections on the use of AI in judicial systems while respecting fundamental rights.

The AIAB is a key element of the CEPEJ’s Roadmap to ensure an appropriate follow-up of the CEPEJ “European Ethical Charter on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in judicial systems and their environment”, adopted in 2018.

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