John Wickenheiser, Kindred, N.D., was diagnosed in 2016 with a slow-growing cancerous tumor. Consistent scans showed no change until January 2024 when the tumor was found to be significantly enlarged and additional tumors were found in his ribs spine, and pelvis. He was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer and immediately began radiation infusion, requiring many trips to the Mayo Clinic. Friends and family are
hosting an online Lend A Hand Up fundraiser
to help with medical and out-of-pocket expenses.

Contributed / Lend A Hand Up
Susan Raftevold, Detroit Lakes, Minn., scheduled a mammogram in December when she felt a lump in her breast. When tests revealed an affected lymph node, a biopsy was completed the same day. Susan was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer that had spread to her liver and vertebrae. She will need to undergo at least six rounds of chemotherapy followed by surgery and possibly radiation. Her friends and family are
hosting an online Lend A Hand Up fundraiser and a benefit in April
to support her and her family during this challenging time.
Learn more or donate at
Upcoming fundraising events:

Contributed / Lend A Hand Up
Paige Tollefson, Moorhead
A bowling fundraiser to benefit Paige Tollefson will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 15, at Sunset Lanes, 620 Highway 75 N., Moorhead. Proceeds from the 4-person team bowling event, which also includes a bake sale, auction, and raffle,
will provide financial support to Paige Tollefson
who is battling a rare blood mutation. Paige lives in Moorhead with her husband and their 5-year-old daughter.

Contributed / Lend A Hand Up
Brandi DesMarais, Fargo
A benefit for Brandi DesMarais will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 23, at Sts Anne & Joachim Catholic Church, 5202 25th St S., Fargo.
Proceeds from the spaghetti dinner and silent auction
will help the family with medical bills and other expenses as Brandi seeks treatment for a recurring liver tumor. Brand lives in Fargo with her husband and six children.
Learn more or donate at
Lend A Hand Up is a 501c3 nonprofit subsidiary of Dakota Medical Foundation supporting area families experiencing hardship due to a health issue, recent loss of life, or traumatic event. All funds raised by Lend A Hand Up help families residing in Cass, Clay, Otter Tail and Becker Counties. Gifts raised through Lend A Hand Up’s giving site increase in value by 20% due to generous Boost sponsors. The organization does not collect a fee from donations made to Lend A Hand Up recipients. To start a Lend A Hand Up fundraiser or support one, go to
or call 701-356-2661. Lend A Hand Up, 4321 20 Ave S, Fargo, ND 58103.
Our newsroom occasionally reports stories under a byline of “staff.” Often, the “staff” byline is used when rewriting basic news briefs that originate from official sources, such as a city press release about a road closure, and which require little or no reporting. At times, this byline is used when a news story includes numerous authors or when the story is formed by aggregating previously reported news from various sources. If outside sources are used, it is noted within the story.