Google has warned that cybercrime should be considered a national security concern and confirmed that it is to ditch the use of SMS two-factor authentication codes for Gmail users in the coming months. I mention these two things specifically because Google has also just sent me an email that encompasses a warning with confirmation that something is going to be removed: my Google account with all Gmail messages and Google Photos content included. Here’s what you need to know and what to do to ensure your account doesn’t end up in the same situation.

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My Google Account Will Be Deleted April 3

Talk to any security expert about social engineering attacks, more commonly referred to as phishing, and they will likely tell you that hackers employ methods of sending emails which combine a sense of urgency with a requirement to do something lest bad stuff will happen. So, when an email purporting to have been sent by Google dropped into my inbox with subject line of “Urgent: Sign in to your Google Account if you want to keep it,” well, you might excuse me for being a teeny bit suspicious. Actually, this was a legitimate email, but nonetheless concerning. So, what’s the urgency here, and why is my Google account in peril?

For the answer, you need to look back to an article I published way back on Nov. 13, 2023, that alerted readers to a change in the Google inactive accounts policy. “If an account hasn’t been used for an extended period of time, it is more likely to be compromised,” Google’s Ruth Kricheli said at the time; “Our internal analysis shows abandoned accounts are at least 10x less likely than active accounts to have 2-step verification set up,” and therefore are more vulnerable to takeover attacks.

The email I received was to inform me that one of my many Google accounts, used primarily for different Gmail accounts as well as accompanied storage purposes, had been selected for deletion.

“Your Google Account has not been used within a 2-year period. If you want to keep your Google Account, sign in to your Google Account before April 3, 2025. To protect user privacy and account data, Google will delete Google Accounts that are not used.”

And if my Google account gets deleted that means any Gmail messages, photos, docs and so on associated with the account will be deleted along with it. So, how can you stop this from happening to you?

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How To Save Your Google Account From Deletion

The answer is as simple as it is obvious: use it. Yes, that’s really all there is to it. The inactive account policy is for those accounts that have laid dormant, not signed into or used for a two-year period. Some users may have created such accounts for a single, one-off purpose and never needed them again. Others, like the one in my case, were used for a particular project that has now expired. As it happens, I do have content in that account that I wish to keep, so will be taking the same steps as I advise you to do to ensure it isn’t deleted on April 3.

There are many things that Google considers to be account activity, but these can be summed up as signing into the account, reading or sending an email from the account, sharing a photo, watching a video or using Google Drive or search. Really, though, you can consolidate all of that advice into the first option: sign into your account.

It should also be made clear that the inactive account policy only applies to personal accounts and as such will not impact those accounts for organizations such as schools or businesses. “This update aligns our policy with industry standards around retention and account deletion,” Google said, “and also limits the amount of time Google retains your unused personal information.”

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