Billi Townsend, Dilworth, was diagnosed at the end of December with rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare and aggressive cancer. She has undergone a hysterectomy, followed by inpatient and outpatient chemotherapy. She is the sole financial support for her two children, Nolan,14, and Khloe, 12, and continues to work as as a senior financial analyst at Sanford. Her friends are hosting an

online Lend A Hand Up fundraiser

to help her with out-of-pocket medical and other expenses.

Learn more or donate at


Upcoming fundraising events:

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Cody Johnson

Contributed / Lend A Hand Up

Cody Johnson, Moorhead

Happy Hour Benefit for Cody – Sunday March 9th from 1-4pm at the Moorhead American Legion
A “Happy Hour Benefit for Cody Johnson” will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, March 9, at the Moorhead American Legion, 303 30th St. N. Proceeds from the

sloppy joe meal, silent auction, craft and bake sale will help Cody

with overwhelming out-of-pocket expenses related to his treatment for colon cancer. Cody is a dedicated uncle, brother, and son who has supported residents at Bethany Retirement Living Center and ensured area children’s safety as a school bus driver.

Learn more or donate at


Lend A Hand Up is a 501c3 nonprofit subsidiary of Dakota Medical Foundation supporting area families experiencing hardship due to a health issue, recent loss of life, or traumatic event. All funds raised by Lend A Hand Up help families residing in Cass, Clay, Otter Tail and Becker Counties. Gifts raised through Lend A Hand Up’s giving site increase in value by 20% due to generous Boost sponsors. The organization does not collect a fee from donations made to Lend A Hand Up recipients. To start a Lend A Hand Up fundraiser or support one, go to

or call 701-356-2661. Lend A Hand Up, 4321 20 Ave S, Fargo, ND 58103.

Our newsroom occasionally reports stories under a byline of “staff.” Often, the “staff” byline is used when rewriting basic news briefs that originate from official sources, such as a city press release about a road closure, and which require little or no reporting. At times, this byline is used when a news story includes numerous authors or when the story is formed by aggregating previously reported news from various sources. If outside sources are used, it is noted within the story.

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