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How to Sage Smudge Your Home To Attract Good Luck, and Alternative Ways To Remove Energy Blocks

Stuck or stagnant energies can block prosperity from coming into your life. This is the ultimate guide on how to sage smudge your home to attract good luck and remove energy blocks.

Sage smudging is an energy cleansing ritual that connects indigenous cultures across the globe. From the ancient Egyptians to Native Americans, it has been linked with wellbeing and healing for over 4,000 years.

Spiritual healers in South America and Mexico burn Palo Santo to drive away negative energies and in the Middle East, sage is often used to clear energy blocks. In recent years, our Instagram feeds have been buzzing with influencers and lifestyle gurus promoting this ancient tradition, but what is the right way to sage your home? Given its global footprint, different cultures take different approaches to sage smudging your home, but what connects the various methods is the purity of intent and a desire for a positive outcome.

Your guide restoring the positive energy of your home

How to sage smudge your home the correct way

How to Sage Smudge Your Home To Attract Good Luck and Alternative for sage burning to Remove Energy Blocks. From sage...

Photo: Getty/Olga Peshkova

1. Set your Intention for Sage Smudging

What do you want to achieve with sage burning? Before you start, it is important – as is the case with all spiritual rituals – that you set a clear intention. Take a moment to connect with yourself and focus on what you are looking for: whether it is asking for peace and protection, or the removal of obstacles and negativity, give yourself a moment to hone in on what your end goal is. This will guide the energy and help you achieve better results.

2. Choose the right sage

When selecting your sage, make sure it is ethically sourced and organic: the purer the sage, the more powerful your sage smudging ritual will be. White sage is the most commonly used variety, but you can also use blue sage or desert sage – each has its unique properties. Spend time finding one that resonates best with your intent.

3. Prepare your space

At its core, the ritual of sage smudging is all about removing negative energy and making room for positive energy. For maximum impact, prepare your space by decluttering it; a clean energetic space is in alignment with a clean physical space. Next, open up the windows so that the smoke can blow away any stagnant energy.

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