How to deal with the grief of losing a pet

PARIS (AP) — Even months later, the pain of losing a pet can still hit without warning. The trigger might be noticing — again, for the umpteenth time — how empty the house feels since your cat died, without the pitter-patter of padded paws. Or stumbling across the leash of the dog you lost and […]
How to overcome lack of motivation and create an exercise routine

You know you should develop a regular exercise routine, but you lack motivation. Promises to yourself are quickly broken, and you never establish enough of the workout habit to experience any rewards. Exercising as you age is important. It’s not only good for physical health to help prevent falls or enable you to do basic […]
How to relax and embrace a less-than-perfect holiday by doing less

NEW YORK (AP) — We all know the stressors: Social obligations. Family discord. Political rifts. Financial stress. And the desire to stay cheery and big-hearted throughout. So here’s a reminder about how to banish your inner perfectionist and truly enjoy the holiday season: “It really helps to let go of some of the ‘shoulds’,” says […]
How to avoid the worst of jet lag and maximize your travel

LONDON (AP) — It’s the bane of many travelers: jet lag. Nobody wants to lose out because they’re too tired to enjoy the delights of their vacation spot. Here are some tips on how to handle jet lag, wherever you might end up. What is jet lag? Scientists define jet lag as the effect on […]
Too many pills? How to talk to your doctor about reviewing what’s needed

Swallowing a handful of pills is a daily ritual for many people, from young adults coping with anxiety to older adults managing chronic conditions. Overall, 13% of people in the U.S. take five or more prescription drugs. For those 65 and older, that number is 42%. If you’re taking multiple meds, it’s smart to be […]
How to combat loneliness in the workplace

Twice each month, executives at the dating app company Hinge gather for a team meeting. But rather than dive into discussions about metrics or revenue, they begin by simply talking. For the first 30 minutes of the two-hour meeting, these coworkers reveal hopes and anxieties — what they worry about, what they’re grateful for, what […]
How to navigate the end of your pet’s life

NEW YORK (AP) — Dr. Lisa Walling’s first house call of the day was with a particularly fluffy hospice patient — a 13-year-old Newfoundland named Rugby. Rugby happily licked a plate of peanut butter as Walling inserted needles along her back; acupuncture and a ketamine injection to help with pain and mobility problems. As an […]
How to find the right balance between telemedicine and in-person care

Patients can now see an array of doctors without leaving their recliner thanks to telemedicine. But that doesn’t mean trips to the office should end. Finding the right balance between virtual and in-person visits can be a key to getting good care. Here’s what you need to know about which form of care may be […]
Allergies can make you miserable. Here’s how to track pollen levels near you

Allergy season can bring misery to tens of millions of Americans each year. Tree, grass, and other pollens can cause runny noses, itchy eyes, coughing and sneezing. Where you live and what you’re allergic to can make a big difference in how bad your allergies are, but there are many things you can do to […]