How to navigate the end of your pet’s life

NEW YORK (AP) — Dr. Lisa Walling’s first house call of the day was with a particularly fluffy hospice patient — a 13-year-old Newfoundland named Rugby. Rugby happily licked a plate of peanut butter as Walling inserted needles along her back; acupuncture and a ketamine injection to help with pain and mobility problems. As an … Read more

How to find the right balance between telemedicine and in-person care

Patients can now see an array of doctors without leaving their recliner thanks to telemedicine. But that doesn’t mean trips to the office should end. Finding the right balance between virtual and in-person visits can be a key to getting good care. Here’s what you need to know about which form of care may be … Read more

Allergies can make you miserable. Here’s how to track pollen levels near you

Allergy season can bring misery to tens of millions of Americans each year. Tree, grass, and other pollens can cause runny noses, itchy eyes, coughing and sneezing. Where you live and what you’re allergic to can make a big difference in how bad your allergies are, but there are many things you can do to … Read more