Video: Graduating From Balance Bike To Pedal Bike – How To Bike with Ben Cathro

HOW TO BIKE SEASON 3 EPISODE 8 Taking the big step from a balance bike to a pedal bike can be a tough thing for young riders. Yes, they might have the balance figured out but pedaling is a whole new motion for them to learn. In this episode, Ben Cathro covers how to get … Read more

Submit Your Best Fails for Season 4 of How To Bike with Ben Cathro

The fourth season of How to Bike is building on all of Ben Cathro’s amazing advice from the previous three seasons, including tips on body position, using your brakes, pumping, line choice, and more, but with a fun twist this time around. For season four, Ben is taking inspiration from Friday Fails and members of … Read more

Video: Balance Bikes Are The Ultimate Way To Learn – How To Bike with Ben Cathro

HOW TO BIKE SEASON 3 EPISODE 7 Balance bikes really changed the way kids learn how to bike. In this episode, Ben Cathro walks us through how to get a young rider interested in balance bikes and how to help them progress as they get more comfortable riding them. Partners Source link